Number of lecturers and Professors: 28. Number of researches: 15.
Head of the Department : prof. D.R. Khokhlov.
Heads of science laboratories and groups:
D.R. Khokhlov
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and mathematics), Professor, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Head of the Department (since 2006)
Direction of reseach:
Physics of Semiconductors; Physics of Narrow-Gap Semiconductors; Terahertz Radiation Detectors;
Organic Semiconductors, Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures.
Number of publications: more than 250.
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Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Head of the laboratory of ferroelectricity.
Field of science activity: Physics of ferroelectrics, structural phase transitions, critical phenomena, physics of real crystals.
Direction of reseach: Experimental study of the anomalous change of physical properties at ferroelectric phase transitions.
Number of publications: more than 250.
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Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Leader Researcher.
Head of the laboratory of Magnetism of Rare Earth and Transient Elements.
Field of science activity:magnetic properties of solid state, rare earth magnets, itinerant magnetism, magnetic phase transitions .
Direction of reseach: complex study of the peqularites of magnetic order, spontaneous and field induced magnetic phase transitions, magnetostriction and magnetic anisotropy in meny sublattice magnets.
Number of publications: more than 250.
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Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Head of the laboratory of Superfine Interactions in Spin Ordered Magnetic Materials
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Head of the laboratory of amorphous and crystalline alloys of rare earth metals.
Field of science activity: Physics of magnetics, magnetic phase transitions, magnetic properties of rare earth compounds.
Direction of reseach:Experimental study of the magnetic properties of rare earth alloys and compounds.
Number of publications: more than 250.
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Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Leader Researcher.
Head of the laboratory of Magnetic Semiconductors.
Field of science activity: magnetic semiconductors, spin glasses, chalcogenide spinels, manganites, magnetic two-phase state.
Number of publications: more than 200.
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A. S. Markosyan
Leading Researcher, Doctor of physical and mathematical science, Professor.
Head of the Laboratory of Rare Earth Intermetallics
Current research interests: Magnetic properties of metals, alloys and intermetallic compounds, magnetism of molecule-based compounds
Total number of publications in refereed journals: 170
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A.S. Andreenko
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Field of science activity:Magnetism, rare earth alloys and compounds, amorphous alloys, phase transitions.
Number of publications: 120.
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Alexander M. Tishin
Leading Researcher, Doctor of physics and mathematics.
Head of the Laboratory of Magnetic Phenomena in Nano-structural and Functional Materials.
Research interests:Magnetism of nano-sized systems, magnetic phase transitions, magnetocaloric effect and magnetic refrigeration
Number of papers in refereed journals: 120
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Andreenko A.S.,
Koroleva L.I.,
Krotov S.S.,
Nikitin S.A.,
Levitin P.Z.,
Markosyan A.S.,
Stetsenko P.N.,
Strukov B.A.,
Surikov V.V.
Docents (Associate Professors):
Antipov S.D.,
Antoshina L.G.,
Avksentiev Ju.I.,
Belov D.V.,
Gaidukova I.Yu.,
Gorshkov S.N.,
Ivanova T.I.,
Krynetski I.B.,
Kuprianov A.K.,
Nedelko V.I.,
Popov Ju.F.,
Pustovalov G.E.,
Skipetrova L.A.,
Svirina E.P.
Doctors of Physics and Mathematics:
Andreenko A.S.,
Kazei Z.A.,
Koroleva L.I.,
Krotov S.S.,
Krynetski I.B.,
Levitin P.Z.,
Markosyan A.S.,
Nikitin S.A.,
Smirnitskaya G.V.,
Stetsenko P.N.,
Strukov B.A.,
Svirina E.P.,
Surikov V.V.,
Tishin A.M.
Number of Candidates of Physics and Mathematics: 25