Doctor of Sciences (Physics and mathematics) (1992),
Professor (1998),
Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008)
Head of the Department (since 2006)
Head of the Laboratory on the Physics of Semiconductors
State Prize of Russia in Science and Technology (1995)
Moscow State University Shuvalov Award (1995)
Born in 1957.
Graduated from the Physics Department of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1980).
Research interests:
Physics of Semiconductors; Physics of Narrow-Gap Semiconductors; Terahertz Radiation Detectors;
Organic Semiconductors, Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures.
Main Results:
A range of new effects has been observed on heavily doped lead telluride-based narrow-gap semiconductors.
These effects include:
Giant negative magnetoresistance with the amplitude exceeding 106.
Localization and delocalization in ultrahigh magnetic fields, mircrowave stimulation persistent
photoconductivity that allows increasing the quantum efficiency of a semiconductor up to 102.
Microwave resonance of the persistent photoconductivity, selective phonon- stimulated photoconductivity
observed at terahertz frequencies, and many others.
Physical principles of operation of a new type of sensitive photodetecting devices working in
terahertz and infrared ranges have been developed. A laboratory model of terahertz radiometer
has been constructed. Some parameters of this radiometer including responsivity, spectral range
of photoresponse, radiation hardness, and others, exceed all state of the art analogs.
A possibility for realization of a high-performance “continuous” focal plane array operating in
the terahertz spectral range has been suggested and experimentally founded.
Beside the areas mentioned above, a range of new directions of research is developed including
investigation of electrical transport, photoelectric and optical phenomena in supramolecular
organic semiconductors, group III nitrides, and some other materials.
e-mail: khokhlov (at) mig.phys.msu.ru
List of publications in refereed journals. (pdf)