Department of General Physics and Magneto-Ordered Matter is one of the largest Chairs of Physical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University with long-standing traditions and a numerous community of high qualification teaching personnel and researchers, performing research in the most actual fields of condensed matter physics and teaching graduates in magnetic and ferroelectric phenomena. The teachers' community of the Chair also provides fundamental education in physics to students of five natural science faculties of the University.
Six major scientific groups carry out intense scientific activity in well-equipped laboratories situated at the chair. There are a number of unique experimental devices for complex research in magnetic, electrical and optical properties of matter. The majority of installations are automated and computer-aided.
For the last 5 years the members of the Chair staff have published more than 700 scientific papers in the leading journals, 500 abstracts of conference reports, 9 monographs and collections of articles.
The results of the scientific effort are summarized in 20 monographs. Fifteen of the chair staff have defended Doctor's degree theses and numerous staff members and graduate students have defended theses for the degree of Candidate of Science. The Chair has graduated over a hundred specialists in physics of magnetism and ferroelectricity. Nowadays the staff includes 15 Doctors of Science including 9 professors; 24 Candidates of Science and a number of PhD, graduate and undergraduate students do their research at the Chair.
The laboratories of the Chair maintain close scientific cooperation with a number of research centers all over the world: Grenoble University in France, Waseda University, Tokyo University and Hokkaido University in Japan, Vienna Technical University in Austria, Amsterdam University of Netherlands, Saragossa University in Spain, Texas University of the USA, Technical University of Vroclav and Institute of Low Temperature of Warsaw in Poland and so on.
The Chair employees participate in Russian and International conferences on magnetism and ferroelectricity and in the organization (organizing committees, program committees) of scientific schools and conferences. Higher grade Students of Physical faculty are widely involved in the research work of the Chair.
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