Irina Yu. Gaidukova


Associate Professor (1996)

Candidate of physical and mathematical science

(Ph.D. degree) (1991)





Postal address

Laboratory of Problems for Magnetism,
Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorobjovy gory, 119992 Moscow, Russia


+7 (095) 939 1145/3918


+7 (095) 939 5907



Research interests

·        Magnetic properties of metals, alloys and intermetallic compounds, magnetoelastic phenomena, magnetic and structural phase transitions.

·        Materials technology.

Main directions of the research activity

·        Study of the magnetic and transport properties of binary and ternary rare earth intermetallic compounds with manganese.

·        Study of the temperature-induced itinerant-electron metamagnetism in intermetallics of the RCo3 series.

Main accomplishments

-        Finding and investigation of first-order magnetic phase transitions in RMn2 intermetallic compounds.

-        Finding and experimental investigation of the phenomenon of temperature-induced itinerant-electron metamagnetism in intermetallic compounds of the RCo3 series (Fig. 5).



Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of the lattice volume of the Er1‑xYxCo3 pseudobinary compounds. The critical temperature of the metamagnetic transition decreases monotonically with increasing yttrium concentration, i.e., with a gradual decrease of the intersublattice molecular field HErCo acting on the d-subsystem. In compounds with x > 0.5, the d-electron subsystem remains in the weak-magnetic state at any temperature [N. Ali, I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, A.S. Markosyan, V.E. Rodimin, Physica B 281&282 (2000) 696-698].



Educational and teaching work

Lectures, seminars and practical training on General Physics for minors, 1st and 2nd year students of the Natural Departments of the Moscow State University.

Lecture course for majors, 4th year students of the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University, "Introduction to Solid State Physics and Magnetism" (1994-1999).


Total number of publications in refereed journals: 30


Some recent publications

1.      I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, E. Gratz, K. Inoue, A.S. Markosyan, V.E. Rodimin, Magnetic instability of the Co sublattice in the Ho1‑xYxCo3 system, Physica B 319 (2002) 21-27.

2.      E. Gratz, A.S. Markosyan, I.Yu. Gaidukova, V.E. Rodimin, St. Berger, E. Bauer, H. Michor, Temperature induced itinerant electron metamagnetism in ErCo3 and HoCo3: influence of an external field and pressure, Solid State Commun. 120 (2001) 191-194.

3.      I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, S.A. Granovsky, V. Rodimin, A.S. Markosyan, S. Roy, N. Ali, Magnetic properties of the RNi4Mn (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Y) intermetallics, IEEE Trans. Magn. 36 (2000) 3336-3338.

4.      N. Ali, I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, A.S. Markosyan, V.E. Rodimin, Temperature induced magnetic instability in the itinerant Co subsystem of the Er1‑xYxCo3 compounds, Physica B 281&282 (2000) 696-698.

5.      I. Dubenko, I. Gaidukova, A. Markosyan, M.S. Reis, M. Leonard, N. Ali, Evolution of the magnetic behavior of the Co subsystem in YCo3 caused by small variations in stoichiometry and Al substitution, J. Alloys and Comp. 303-304 (2000) 285-288.

6.      I.Yu. Gaidukova, Guo Huan Hua, S.A. Granovsky, I.S. Dubenko, R.Z. Levitin, A.S. Markosyan, V.E. Rodimin, X-ray study of magnetic phase transitions in RMn2Ge2 intermetallics (R = La, Sm, Gd, Nd, Tb, Y), Fiz. Tverd. Tela 41 (1999) 2053-2058 (in Russian) [Phys. Sol. State 41 (1999)].

7.      I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, A.S. Markosyan, R.Z. Levitin, F. Garsia, A.Y. Takeuchi, I.S. Oliveira, A.P. Guimaraes, Magnetization studies of the Y1-xErxCo3 intermetallics: (TCx) phase diagram, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 196-197 (1999) 674-676.

8.      I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, Y. Hosokoshi, K. Inoue, A.S. Markosyan, Concentration and pressure dependence of the magnetic ordering in the Y(Mn1‑xMex)2 compounds with Me = Al, Fe and Ni, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 195 (1999) 687-691.

9.      I.S. Dubenko, I.Yu. Gaidukova, Y. Hosokoshi, K. Inoue, A.S. Markosyan, Magnetic phase diagram and pressure effect on the magnetic properties of the Y1‑xGdxMn2 intermetallic compounds, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 2937-2953.